You Can't Lose

Lake County Criminal Lawyer
Chicagoland Criminal Defense Attorney Providing Battle-Tested Advocacy Against the Government.
Dreifuss Law is a criminal defense boutique. We defend clients in State and Federal trial courts across the country. Our clients have been found Not Guilty by countless juries and bench trials. And we’ve also had cases outright dismissed (including First Degree Murder). We have argued in State and Federal appeals courts as well. Our firm is led by attorney Jason S. Dreifuss, and is guided by the following principles:
#1: Fight
With any case, our first thought is: can we beat it? That can be something big, like a trial. Or that can be something small, a loophole, some sort of technicality. Is there a dispositive Motion to Suppress or Motion to Dismiss?
The “how” is of little consequence to us, frankly, because a win is a win—but that is our first thought: how can we win?
#2: Do What You Say
We pride ourselves on following through on our commitments to our clients. And when we tell our clients we will do something (e.g., look into a specific issue, return a phone call, prepare a motion), we do it. To us this is essential customer service that is owed to every client. When you hire Dreifuss Law, you get this commitment from us.
#3: Don’t Rest on Your Laurels
While we have defended countless Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon cases and Child Pornography cases, for example, we always re-read the statute whenever we are re-hired for such engagements. Why? Because we don’t “wing it;” the law is constantly changing; and it’s just the smart thing to do. And this also includes regularly updating motions with new caselaw. Do all lawyers do this? We’re not sure—probably not—but the risk is that you start defending a case based on an understanding of what the law was 15 years earlier!
#4: Honesty
When you hire us for your most serious criminal case, you must trust us, and our reputation can only take us so far. Therefore, it is critical that we are honest with you. The minute that a client loses that faith in their lawyer, the relationship is doomed—we believe that honesty is at the bedrock of fruitful representation.
Our primary practices areas are:
Homicide: A death case is always tragic. The stakes are highest for our clients’, and even after an acquittal or dismissal—winning a homicide case is met more with a sigh of relief than any sense of jubilation. These cases are as tough as they get; and we are currently scheduled to try two First Degree Murder jury trials before the end of 2023. We handle the following homicide cases: First Degree Murder; Involuntary Manslaughter; Reckless Homicide; Drug-Induced Homicide; and Concealment of a Homicidal Death.
Drug crimes: We represent clients charged in State and Federal courts charged with narcotics possession and distribution cases. We stay well versed in the most recent search and seizure caselaw in order to prepare persuasive and successful motions to suppress. These types of cases lend themselves to rigorous pre-trial motion practice (i.e. Motion to Suppress Confession, Motion to Suppress Evidence Illegally Seized).
As a result of our strong motion practice, we’ve had cases dismissed and we’ve also obtained extraordinary negotiations in other cases (e.g., probation in non-probationable, mandatory minimum cases).
Sex crimes: We have successfully represented clients beginning with investigations of alleged sexual assault all the way through acquittals after jury trials. We are good at these cases. Just the accusation of possible sex crimes can ruin a reputation forever.
These cases can be especially frustrating for our clients, not just on the reputational front, but also because of how far these cases seem to go just on the word of a single alleged victim—it can be truly astonishing. The good news is that we believe that the American jury system is the best in the world, and, when those flimsy cases are subjected to the scrutiny of a jury trial, the truth surfaces.
If you are charged with a sex crime (sexual assault, sexual abuse, revenge porn, predatory criminal sexual assault, child pornography) you should contact us immediately because these cases have consequences that can last a lifetime.
Gun crimes: Gun cases are currently given special and extra attention by prosecutors’ offices because of worldwide notoriety Chicago has received due to its gun violence. If you have been charged with a gun case it would be foolish for you to defend against the Government without an attorney by your side.
We represent clients charged with: Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon (Agg UUW); Unlawful Use of Weapon (UUW); Armed Habitual Criminal; Unlawful Use of Weapon by Felon; Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm (Agg Discharge); and Reckless Discharge of a Firearm.
Proof of these crimes can be highly-fact specific, and we are skilled at favorably arguing these matters on behalf of our clients.
Driving Under the Influence: We’ve successfully represented hundreds of clients facing charges of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol; Driving Under the Influence of Drugs; Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis; and Aggravated Driving Under the Influence. Our clients have been acquitted after jury trials and bench trials. We’ve won Motions to Suppress and Petition to Rescind Statutory Summary Suspension. And many of our client’s DUI cases have been dismissed outright.
DUI cases are highly technical; whether its blood draws or NHTSA Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, these cases require deep expertise. Rest assured we’ve seen it all and have a victorious track record to boot!
Seek Battle-Tested Advocacy Against the Government
Attorney Jason S. Dreifuss has dedicated his practice to advocating on behalf of defendants against the Government. He can assist individuals who are facing charges the following Illinois counties: Lake, McHenry, Kane, Will, DuPage, Kendall, DeKalb, Grundy, Boone, Winnebago, and Kankakee, as well as the following Cook County courthouses: 26th/California, Chicago, Skokie, Rolling Meadows, Maywood, Bridgeview, and Markham. Contact the Dreifuss Law by submitting our online form or calling 847-893-9399 or 312-888-6855 to schedule an appointment.

Meet Jason S. Dreifuss
I get excited about providing fierce advocacy to clients that would otherwise stand alone with the odds stacked against them. The police are against my clients; the prosecutors are against my clients; probation officers are against my clients; and the vast majority of law is anti-defendant.Dreifuss Criminal Defense Blog
I’ve been charged with Non-consensual dissemination of private sexual images (a/k/a revenge porn) in Illinois. Now what? First, do not cooperate with the police. Do not expect that you will be able to talk yourself out of this mess. The alleged victim is fuming and has...
Sex Crimes and Sex Offender Registration Sex crimes are among the most serious and stigmatized criminal acts in our society. And some of the most serious of those are the Major Sex Crimes...
I was charged with felony Burglary for that!?! Traditionally, Burglary was defined as: the breaking and entering of a dwelling house of another, at night, with the intent to commit a felony...
Thanks a lot Mr. Jason for all the effort you put in the case of my sons. And for believing in us. God bless you and your whole family forever.
Thank you so much for being so kind and working so hard for us—you believed in me, so thank you and God bless.
Thank you for your hard work. It was a pleasure to have met you. You and Mr. Pinsel saved our future and I can’t thank you enough. Thank you.
Highly recommend! Jason Dreifuss approaches legal issues with a deep understanding of the law, practical advice, and thinks outside the box to ensure you are best positioned to achieve your desired outcome. ...
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Fill out the contact form or call us at (847) 893-9399 to schedule your free consultation. Fearless Defense Available 24/7 Free Consultation